Code Complete, 2nd by Steve McConnell

This book attempts to compile the best practices for software construction accumulated over the years. With approximately 450 bibliographic references to the most important publications at the time (second edition published in 2004), the book aims to elevate the development process to an entirely new level. Essentially, it interprets the most significant publications and provides guidelines for building software. It takes recommendations from field experts and scientists and presents practical rules for effectively creating quality software, thus bridging the gap between production and research. Hence the title, which implies a comprehensive set of laws.
The book is divided into seven parts. Starting with basic terms and ideas in Part I, the author progresses from the fundamental level of the construction process—the code itself (Parts II, III, IV)—to higher-level processes. Part V focuses on working with existing code. Part VI covers system development control. The final part, Part VII, addresses requirements for the creator themselves. For quick reference, the book includes checklists for all construction stages, along with numerous figures, tables, and key terms.
Below are some of my notes from the book.